IT at Yale is led by Vice President for Information Technology and Campus Services, John Barden and his Senior Leadership Team, in collaboration with their Governance Committees.
Organizational Priorities
IT has identified three organizational priorities that act as strategic anchors. Each priority is mapped to specific goals we plan to accomplish over the next few fiscal years. Our leaders meet regularly to ensure that we are successful.
Current Initiatives
IT’s initiatives for FY23 are organized by governance committee pillars, including: academic, administrative, cultural heritage, foundational, and research.
Campus IT Support
Use this page to identify your local support contact and/or contact the ITS Help Desk (203-432-9000) for assistance.
IT Organization
IT at Yale is supported by a central IT unit, as well as a number of distributed IT support organizations throughout Yale professional schools and departments.
Technology Centers and Labs
A series of centers and labs utilize technology to support the Yale community with teaching and research.