Please be sure to correctly enter your email address and complete all of the information required below. If you have questions or problems, send email to Your name * Email address * IP address of device requesting unblock for * ServiceNow Incident Number (for ITS staff only) * Is there a port block in addition to an IP block on this device? * - Select -YesNo Brief description of compromise. Include the original email with notification of block * Brief description of how machine was remediated (what tools were used, i. e. SAV, peeker, WFT) * Is this device an 'Above-threshold' system? * - Select -YesNo Is this device used to create, access, transmit or receive protected health information (PHI)? * - Select -YesNo If you responded yes to questions 8 or 9, please include the Business Manager's name, NetID and contact information: * If there were positive results, please provide description of data (i.e. 25 SSN belonging to departmental staff members, family members SSN, etc.). DO NOT send any files with SSN/CCN or PII. Have all users changed their Y-NHH and Yale application passwords in addition to their Yale NetID and security questions? * - Select -YesNo Has this device been secured as per Procedure 1610 PR.01 Systems and Network Security * - Select -YesNo Is the owner of this computing device a member of University's Covered Components? * - Select -YesNo Has the device been secured as per best practices & HIPAA security requirements? * - Select -YesNo Other comments/additional information Hostname NIC (MAC Address) References: Network access disabled by the University (Internet and hub/switch block) Procedure 1610 PR.01 Systems and Network Security Best practices & HIPAA Security requirements What is Protected Health Information Best practice recommendations CAPTCHAThis question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.